
This is life: the beauty is there, and then all the time, every minute, a little piece of heaven falls right into your hand. You just have to open your palm and accept it.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Give me a smile, or give me a sneer

I strongly dislike fake people. Dislike in the strongest possible sense, if you missed that.

And lately, Suzetta's been really fake. Fake in the most arrogant, disgusting, low moral standards kind of way. It's been quite difficult not to backhand her in the face everytime I see her.

But. I have lately realized something I should've known all my life. Christ loves me. He is my Friend. And no one has true friends that would beat them up for making a mistake, hate them for swearing, or stop talking to them because they didn't read their scriptures one night. Or because they flirt with too many people. Or because their moral standards are more wiggly than on the strait and narrow.

And not only is Christ our Friend, He is perfect. So He is a more perfect Friend than any of ours. More accepting, more understanding, a better listener...the list goes on and on. That goes for me. That goes for my family. That goes for my friends. That goes for the random kid walking down the street. And it goes for Suzetta. He loves her. More than I understand. Just as much as He loves me. So I need to stop hating, and realize that
Kindness is in our power, even when fondness is not.
                                                                   -Samuel Johnson

I may never understand her, we may never be good friends. But she is worth every bit as much as I am, and I need to treat her that way.

She's another light in the starry sky, to someone I could never help.

Deer in the Headlights, Owl City